[Pathways] Pathways to Philosophy student Matthew Allen set for PhD

I have just received an email from Matthew Allen, a retired Chartered Accountant and amateur naval historian, who successfully competed the Pathways Moral Philosophy program in 2005 and the Pathways Philosophy of Language program in 2007.

Since following Pathways, Matthew went on to do a BA and MA at Birkbeck College London - my old college - and then the Edinburgh University MSc in Ethics, Epistemology and the Mind. He has now won a bursary from Birkbeck to do a MRes (a Research Masters degree) with the intention of following on with a PhD. His research topic is epistemological disjunctivism.

Matthew Allen's LinkedIn Profile:


Matthew will not be the first Pathways student to go on to PhD. Tony Bellotti did his PhD on computational learning at Royal Holloway College, London, after completing our Associate program, and is now a Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London. Tony's four essays submitted for the Associate Award of the ISFP - on Descartes, Thomas Nagel, Kant and Schopenhauer - may be viewed here:


If you are a former Pathways to Philosophy or ISFP student and have news to share - especially if you have gone on to take a higher degree - do contact me at klempner@fastmail.net and I will be very glad to hear from you!



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          RIP. Dr Geoffrey Klempner (1951-2022).           Absolute pleasure to have known and work with you since 2003. ...