[Pathways] Call for Papers: Theology and Batman

Send abstract to Matthew Brake at popandtheology@gmail.com.

Theology and Batman
Edited by Matthew William Brake and Rev. C. K. Robertson, Ph.D.

In 2019, Batman turned 80 years old. First appearing in Detective Comics #27, that famous title hit #1000 back in March. Since his debut, Batman has been a cultural force across multiple medium, whether in the comics that spawned him, the 1960s campy television series, the animated series in the 1990s, or the movies of Tim Burton, Zack Snyder, and especially Christopher Nolan. With Warner Brothers set to debut a new Batman film in 2021, now is the perfect time a book exploring the intersection of theology and Batman. No other volume currently exists that explores Batman in a peer-reviewed theological format.

Potential Topics

There are over 80 years worth of Batman stories to draw from written by multiple authors and spanning across multiple mediums. Potential topics include but are not limited to:

- What Religion is Batman? Catholic, Atheist, or Other?
- Batman knows gods exist, but can he believe?
- Grant Morrison's Neo-Platonic Bat-god.
- Psychodelic Religious Experiences and Corrupt Priests in Batman: The Cult
- The Cult of the Cat, Mad Monks, and Scary Religions in the World of Batman
- Simon Hurt, the Hole in Things, and Evil as Deprivation in Augustine
- Gothic Cathedrals and Religious Architecture in the World of the Dark Knight
- Sin and Salvation in Batman: Damned
- An Agnostic Mortal on Mount Olympus: Batman Alongside the Super Heroes
- A Sacred Oath: The Power of Ritual in the Batman's World
- Recovering from Religion: Denny O'Neill's Azrael and the Order of St. Dumas

Abstracts between 250-500 words are due by Oct. 31, 2019 and should be sent to Matthew Brake at popandtheology@gmail.com. Final Drafts of between 5,000-7,000 words will be due by March 1, 2020.

Matthew William Brake is the editor of the Theology and Pop Culture series from Lexington. He has presented on the topic of theology and Batman and teaches a Religion and Literature course at George Mason University exploring the Batman works of Grant Morrison. The Rev. Canon C.K. Robertson, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Visiting Professor at General Theological Seminary, Vice President of the board of the Anglican Theological Review, and General Editor of the Studies in Episcopal & Anglican Theology series.

Again, please send abstracts to Matthew Brake at popandtheology@gmail.com.

Robert Arp, PhD
(703) 946-4669


Pathways School of Philosophy

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          RIP. Dr Geoffrey Klempner (1951-2022).           Absolute pleasure to have known and work with you since 2003. ...