Pathway readers who may imagine the possibility of leading a philosophic life in nature, free from societal constraints, may find interesting two books I have published:
1. Landesman's Journal, Meditations of a Forest Philosopher (2016) Paragon House
2. Landesman's Legacy, the Abandoned Writings (2018) Garric Press
Both books are available from Amazon.
The Introduction to the first book with an outside review can be obtained at no cost by email request to
Richard Schain
Pathways School of Philosophy
International Society for Philosophers
Books by Geoffrey Klempner
YouTube channel
Published by the International Society for Philosophers and edited by Martin Jenkins
DR Geoffrey Klempner.
RIP. Dr Geoffrey Klempner (1951-2022). Absolute pleasure to have known and work with you since 2003. ...
Fichte's Absolute. Grounds for Mysticism? By Martin Jenkins The Absolute. Such an enigmatic term. It is found in mystical thinking a...