[Pathways] 'Let Us Philosophize' by D. R. Khashaba

Let Us Philosophize 1998, 2008

From the Preface to the second edition:

"This book first appeared in 1998. Since then I have published three other books and numerous essays, yet Let Us Philosophize remained the one that gives my philosophy as an integrative whole. Published when I was past my seventieth birthday, it contained the substance of a philosophy developed over a lifetime."

Central to the book is an unorthodox conception of the nature of philosophical thinking.

Download PDF:


D. R. Khashaba

[Pathways] 'Sins of the nihilist' by Gershon Velvel

Kenny asked: Could a non-believer in a god sin?

Colin asked: How would a philosopher evaluate Aleister Crowley: 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law'?

Answer by Gershon Velvel

What is a 'sin'? I read in Wikipedia:

"In a religious context, sin is the act of transgression against divine law. Sin can also be viewed as any thought or action that endangers the ideal relationship between an individual and God; or as any diversion from the perceived ideal order for human living. 'To sin' has been defined from a Greek concordance as 'to miss the mark'."

What is wrong with that statement? -- You might think that the last sentence doesn't seem to fit here at all [...]



[Pathways] How to post (and not post) to the Pathways list

A short while ago a message was sent out to the Pathways list that was intended for me alone. This was unfortunate and I apologize for any annoyance caused.

My email address is klempner@fastmail.net. The list address is philosophypathways@lists.shef.ac.uk. These are obviously not the same email address, but when you click 'Reply' please check first. Not all email programs work the same way.

What is the Pathways list for? It is primarily an announcement list. If you have a book or article somewhere and you want to tell the list subscribers about it you can post a message giving a short summary and the place on the web where your article or book can be found. You can also notify the list of philosophy meetups, conferences etc.

That's all. Please don't send your articles to me, or to the list (as attachments). If subscribers are interested they will be able to access your work on the web.

After you have sent your message you will receive an email that says, 'Your message for list philosophypathways is awaiting approval by a list moderator. If approved, it will be distributed to the list.' Don't be alarmed. Your message will hopefully go out to the list within 24 hours.

The Pathways list is NOT a discussion list. We are hoping to start a new online conference, and when that happens I will let you know -- by sending a message to the list.

Have a great day!



Pathways School of Philosophy

International Society for Philosophers

Books by Geoffrey Klempner

YouTube channel

[philosophypathways] 'Philosophy, Ethics and Dialogue' by Geoffrey Klempner

'Philosophy, Ethics and Dialogue' by Geoffrey Klempner

"The Journal of Dialogue Studies aims to provide a platform for intellectually rigorous engagement with dialogue from a wide range of academic disciplines, and in relation to dialogue as conducted in a wide variety of contexts. This issue of the journal has a particular emphasis on some of the contexts of dialogue. This begins with Geoffrey Klempner's paper on 'Philosophy, Ethics and Dialogue'. This may at first appear an unusual paper to open with as it seems to be less contextualised than the others in this edition of the journal. But Klempner roots his broader discussion and critique of the relationship between philosophy, ethics and dialogue by drawing on his 20 years of experience with students taking courses with Pathways to Philosophy, including one who was a prisoner on Death Row in Texas, in the USA. From this experience and the engagement of it with wider theoretical discussions concerning ethics and dialogue, Klempner concludes that learning how to conduct ethical dialogue is somewhat similar to learning how to dance, in that it cannot be taught and learned from a book: one can only learn ethical dialogue by actually and contextually engaging in ethical dialogue." - Paul Weller, Academic Editor


[philosophypathways] 'What makes a chair a chair' by Craig Skinner and Jurgen Lawrenz

Acer asked:

'What makes a chair a chair?'

Answer by Craig Skinner:

Answer by Jurgen Lawrenz:


Pathways School of Philosophy

International Society for Philosophers

Books by Geoffrey Klempner

YouTube channel

[philosophypathways] Timothy Ballan - A Worldview

This work is simply a detailed expression of my current worldview in outline format. And, just like my worldview, this work is updated regularly. It work is mainly written (and updated) for myself, partly to symbolize my rising out of years of inability to express any coherent worldview. However, it is also meant to hopefully help other people. In terms of helping other people, foremost, I'd wish that this work inspires people in the way that I feel inspired [...]


[philosophypathways] Philosophy Pathways Issue 233: follow-up

I believe in striking while the iron is hot. Yesterday, the very last
issue of the old Philosophy Pathways was sent out to 1348 subscribers.

This is the very first post on the new Philosophy Pathways e-list. All
posts will be archived on the Philosophy Pathways blog at:


Usually, when an issue of Philosophy Pathways goes out, there are one
or two 'unsubscribes'. Yesterday, there were three. I also received
three emails of support from readers of Philosophy Pathways whose
content I would like to share:

Michael wrote, 'In time, humanity will realize the folly of the way
they process their thoughts and the disastrous outcomes they produce
in personal health and wealth issues and in the bigger picture, on the
world level, Times are indeed changing but alas, not for the better. I
doubt if my articles will make any difference at this moment in time
but if we don't try, then who will?'

Michael has had several of his pieces feature on Philosophy Pathways.
I have always valued his contributions. We welcome all contributions
of the following format:

Subject: [title of your article] by [your name]

1. Abstract or summary, or the first 100-200 words

2. URL where your article is archived, or web site (e.g. Academia.edu)
where your article can be downloaded.

And that's it. What could be simpler?

As I said yesterday, posts are moderated so there will be a short
delay between the time you email your post (to
philosophypathways@lists.shef.ac.uk) and the time that it is sent out
to the list and posted on https://philosophypathways.blogspot.com.

Tim wrote, 'I have often thought that a good way forward for PP would
be to turn it into a fully-fledged online journal, with fewer issues
and some kind of collective peer-review system, if you could recruit
enough knowledgeable volunteers.'

I agree with Tim, that would have been a great idea. The problem that
I have always encountered is that that the energy and enthusiasm of
volunteers ebbs and flows with time. The only person whose whose work
ethic I can count on one hundred per cent is myself. And that did work
for a while. What I realized in time was that peer review, if it is to
have any meaning, must be done by more than one person.

Finally, I received this question from Andrew: 'What would
philosophypathways as announcement list do for the philosophical
community that Philos-L and Philosop do not do?'

An excellent question, Andrew. Let me start with the things that
philosophypathways will NOT do. One of the main things featured on
Philos-L and Philosop are job vacancies, conferences, and calls for
contributions to journals. These will be of little interest to our
current, mainly non-academic readership. On the other hand, what they
are interested in are writings by independent philosophers or
philosophers outside the academy which are accessible to the general
reader -- the kind of thing that would not be likely to feature on
Philos-L or Philosop.

What else? Philosophy meetups, philosophy in pubs, all kinds of groups
that get together to talk about their passion would surely welcome an
opportunity to advertise their meetings. And online forums as well, of

-- Look out for more posts from me, and, hopefully, from other
subscribers. Once again, here is the email address:


I look forward to hearing from you!

Geoffrey Klempner

DR Geoffrey Klempner.

          RIP. Dr Geoffrey Klempner (1951-2022).           Absolute pleasure to have known and work with you since 2003. ...